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Groups and namespaces

A global organization is introduced as a top-level namespace for KIT-GitLab to manage groups, projects, and members:         ⇤ KIT is an unique top-level group

Notice: No KIT-GitLab user should be able to create another top-level group parallel to the "KIT" group.

ALL other groups, projects, and members are located within this top-level namespace:

KIT Organization Units (OUs) and OU-groups

For the institutes and departments of the KIT, "OU groups" are defined and created in the KIT-GitLab. Example: Group "SCC" (see Figure 1) The namespaces "" for institutes are also preassigned (e.g. For an overview of the predefined OU groups, see the KIT Organizational Units (OUs) section below.

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Figure 1

Advantage of OU-groups:

  • Enable the institutes to create and manage their own structure of GitLab groups and projects below their OU group.
  • For example, the ITB of the OU can be assigned the administration role for the OU-group and within the OU the internal OU processes for creating groups and projects can be coordinated with the KIT employees.
  • A corresponding request can be made to the GitLab administrator to take over the administrative role.


  • Since group names can unfortunately be assigned more than once in GitLab, an OU group name could (unfortunately) be assigned again.
  • However, since the namespaces in GitLab are unique, the assigned namespaces/URLs are numbered consecutively, e.g., -2, ...

Other groups

In addition to the OU groups, KIT users can also create and manage their own groups. These groups are on the same level as the OU groups. (see figure 1 lower part above)

  • Example: Group „xyz-project“ => Namespace:
  • The personal namespaces are also on the top-level:

Create group

The user can create either a new group under KIT directly<groupname>

or a subgroup on your organizational unit in KIT.<groupname>

No groups can be created outside of the KIT.<group> (not allow)

Create a new group on KIT

New groups can be created at To access the page, you have to login with KIT Federated Login Service (regular login procedure).

In the reqeust form are following fields:

  • Group name
    • mandatory
    • Group name have to start
      • letter (a-zA-Z)
      • digit (0-9)
      • underscore (_)
    • Group name must contain only
      • letter (a-zA-Z)
      • digit (0-9)
      • hyphens (-)
      • underscore (_)
  • Description
    • optional
    • supports unicode
Group creation under SCC group

If you are SCC member you will have an extra option, where you can choose if you want to create a OU level group, or SCC subgroup.

At the bottom of the form is a preview of the newly created group details. There can be seen the newly created url for the group, it is generated automaticaly from the group name.

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The group should be available in a short time, when conditions are met. The conditions are following: * The name of group is available for use in KIT-GitLab and has not been created yet. * The corresponding KIT user for this submission is already registered in KIT-GitLab.

You will receive an e-mail as soon as your entries are active in the system.

The new group has the visibility level "private". i.e. the group can only be seen by members. However, the group owner can also set the visibility to "internal" (All registered users can see the group) or "public" (the group can be seen on the Internet) in the group settings.

Create group on KIT/OUs

To be able to create a group, first of all you need a permit for creating a subgroup inside KIT.

If you go to the Groups category in your work space, you can find the "KIT" primary group through explore groups.

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Go into KIT group

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Either you should create newly a subgroup under "KIT" by requesting an access permission, or you should find your institute to create a subgroup under "KIT/YourInstititue/Group". And you can ask a permission for creating a subgroup via "Request Access".

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You should get an E-mail from GitLab by as soon as approval process is done by GitLab administrator or owner of OU group. After receiving the permission, you will be available to create a subgroup.

To create a subgroup on your OUs, please follow this instruction:

Find the New subgroup in top right or below the "+" button in top left

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  • Assign a private group name under Subgroup name
  • The Subgroup URL is automatically filled in after getting the Subgroup name.
  • Subgroup slug is the name of subgroup in the 4th (in this example) level of group layer.
  • Visibility Level is already fixed with private only.

For more information about creating and managing your subgroups and members, please refer to following links

Group hierarchy and membership

This diagram shows the concept of group hierarchy and their memberships. Members are the users and groups who have access to the project. KIT users can become members of a group or project with different membership type: direct, inherited, shared

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To create an overview of all group members, give this url in your Web browser.

In this view page you can add or remove members or leave the group yourself. Advanced KIT users can also use REST-API to get the information about own members.

KIT Organization Units (OUs)

This table show the list of registered KIT-OUs in GitLab. Currently 121 Institutes are registered in total.

If your division is not registered on the OU in GitLab yet, please do not hesitate to contact with gitlab team first. We would pleasure to assign your institution into the KIT-GitLab organization.

No Index Divisions / Institutue
1 SAAI Archive for Architecture and Civil Engineering
2 EBI Engler-Bunte-Institute
3 GIK Geodetic Institute
4 GPI Geophysical Institute
5 HIU Helmholtz Institute Ulm for Electrochemical Energy Storage
6 IAMT Institute for Advanced Membrane Technology
7 IAG Institute of Algebra and Geometry
8 IANA Institute for Analysis
9 IAR Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics
10 IAB Institute for Applied Biosciences
11 IBU Institute of Applied Business Studies and Management
12 AGW Institute of Applied Geosciences
13 IAI Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics
14 AIFB Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods
15 IAM Institute for Applied Materials
16 IANM Institute of Applied and Numerical Mathematics
17 APH Institute of Applied Physics
18 IATF Institute for Applied Thermofluidics
19 IAP Institute for Astroparticle Physics
20 IBCS Institute for Biological and Chemical Systems
21 IRS Institute of Control Systems
22 IFAB Institute for Human and Industrial Engineering
23 AOC Institute for Inorganic Chemistry
24 IISM Institute of Information Systems and Marketing
25 IBS Institute for Structural Analysis
26 IBAP Institute of Vocational and General Education
27 IBPT Institute for Beam Physics and Technology
28 IBG Institute for Biological Interfaces
29 BLT Institute of Process Engineering in Life Sciences
30 IBT Institute of Biomedical Engineering
31 IBF Institute of Soil Mechanics and Rock Mechanics
32 CVT Institute of Chemical Process Engineering
33 IEH Institute of Electric Energy Systems and High-Voltage Engineering
34 ETI Institute of Electrical Engineering
35 ENTECHNON Institute of Entrepreneurship, Technology Management, and Innovation
36 EKUT Institute of Architectural Design, Art, and Theory
37 IEB Institute for Building Design and Technology
38 IESL Institute for Urban and Landscape Design
39 ETP Institute of Experimental Particle Physics
40 FAST Institute of Vehicle System Technology
41 FBV Institute for Finance
42 IFL Institute for Materials Handling and Logistics
43 IFG Institute of Functional Interfaces
44 IFGG Institute of Geography and Geoecology
45 GER Institute for German Studies: Literature, Language, Media
46 IHM Institute for Pulsed Power and Microwave Technology
47 IFH Institute for Hydromechanics
48 IHE Institute of Radio Frequency Engineering and Electronics
49 IIP Institute for Industrial Production
50 IIIT Institute of Industrial Information Technology
51 IMI Institute for Information Management in Engineering
52 IIWR Institute for Information and Economic Law
53 IKFT Institute of Catalysis Research und Technology
54 IFRT Institute of Fusion and Reactor Technology
55 IFKM Institut für Kolbenmaschinen
56 IKB Institute for History of Art and Architecture
57 IMB Institute of Concrete Structures and Building Materials
58 IFM Institute of Mechanics
59 MVM Institute for Mechanical Process Engineering and Mechanics
60 IMK Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research
61 MRT Institute of Measurement and Control with Machine Laboratory
62 IMS Institute of Micro- and Nanoelectronic Systems
63 IMT Institute of Microstructure Technology
64 IMVT Institute for Micro Process Engineering
65 CEL Communications Engineering Lab
66 INT Institute of Nanotechnology
67 INR Institute for Neutron Physics and Reactor Technology
68 INE Institute for Nuclear Waste Disposal
69 IOR Institute of Operations Research
70 IOC Institute of Organic Chemistry
71 IPF Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
72 IPS Institute for Photon Science and Synchrotron Radiation
73 IPQ Institute of Photonics and Quantum Electronics
74 IPC Institute of Physical Chemistry
75 PHI Institute of Physics
76 IPEK Institute of Product Engineering
77 WBK Institute of Production Science
78 IPD Institute for Program Structures and Data Organization
79 IQMT Institute for Quantum Materials and Technologies
80 IPE Institute for Data Processing and Electronics
81 IFR Institute for Regional Science
82 ISD Institute for School Pedagogy and Didactics
83 ISMK Institute for Sociology, Media and Cultural Sciences
84 IFSS Institute of Sports and Sports Science
85 STOCH Institute of Stochastics
86 ISE Institute of Highway and Railroad Engineering
87 ISTM Institute of Fluid Mechanics
88 ITIV Institute for Information Processing Technologies
89 ITAS Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis
90 ITC Institute for Technical Chemistry
91 ITCP Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymer Chemistry
92 ITEC Institute for Computer Engineering
93 ITM Institute of Engineering Mechanics
94 ITEP Institute for Technical Physics
95 ITT Institute of Technical Thermodynamics
96 ITTK Institute for Technical Thermodynamics and Refrigeration
97 TMB Institute for Technology and Management in Construction
98 ITZ Institute of Technology Futures
99 TM Institute of Telematics
100 TFP Institute of Theoretical Solid State Physics
101 ITI Institute of Theoretical Informatics
102 ITP Institute for Theoretical Physics
103 TTP Institute for Theoretical Particle Physics
104 TKM Institute for Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
105 ITS Institute of Thermal Turbomachines
106 TVT Institute of Thermal Process Engineering
107 ITES Institut für Thermische Energietechnik und Sicherheit
108 IFV Institute for Transport Studies
109 IVD Institute for Visualization and Data Analysis
110 ECON Institute for Economic Policy Research
111 IWG Institute for Water and River Basin Management
112 IWRMM Institute for Scientific Computing and Mathematical Modelling
113 KASTEL Institute of Information Security and Dependability
114 JKIP Joseph Gottlieb Kölreuter Institut for Plant Sciences
115 KSRI Karlsruhe Service Research Institute
116 LAS Laboratory for Applications of Synchrotron Radiation
117 LEM Laboratory for Electron Microscopy
118 LTI Light Technology Institute
119 VAKA Research Center for Steel, Timber, and Masonry
120 ZOO Zoological Institute